Journal Entry 5

Date: 30.03.2023


- Downloaded the project files at around 16:20. Struggled to understand whether or not I had to install dotween for a while.

- Furiously wrote the journal as I was working on the homework.

- Added more than 2 "small improvements" to the game (inspired by the "possibilities" document).

- Finished at 17:55.

- Writing this journal entry.


You know an assignment is infuriating when it's making me write the journal as I'm working on it. One of the most unnecessarily complicated homework assignments ever. Being forced to work with some 10 year old no-name library/plugin, having to deal with the poorly written instructions on a 1 week deadline homework while I have 3 other assignments this week (all given this week btw, so I didn't pile them up) is one of the worst things a school can do to a student, and here it is.

I spent so much time trying to get a simple tween (or whatever it is) to work. It doesn't tell you how to get a simple thing to work, but then bombards you with ways in which you can combine other tweens. I don't care about combining 10 tweens when I can't even get one of them to work. A clear example which was guaranteed to work would have gone a long way, but alas...

The attached video is also not useful as an instruction tool (unless, that was the point). It records the presenters instead of the screen. The comments on the video that are saying "best talk ever!!1!" are absolutely correct. Because it's just "talk", nothing more.

This assignment is a masterclass on how to make people hate video game development. I wish this assignment upon my worst enemy.

--- --- ---

I just realized that the homework says to "Add 2+ small improvements to the Breakout".

So far I've done the following:

- Adding some colours

- Camera shake

- Bricks setup

- Juicy ball hit

- Juicy brick hit

- Stretchy paddle

- Game fade in/out

That's more than 2. Therefore, I will stop before I get brain damage due to bashing my head into my keyboard.

The assignment took 95 minutes (but felt like 950).

I could go back and change the journal to write more positive things, but then I'd be lying through my teeth.

Invested Hours:

- 95 minutes on both the journal and the assignment

- 35 minutes on tidying up the journal and contemplating on whether or not the TA would fail me for writing my honest feelings at the time on a JOURNAL entry.

OutcomeA lot of hatred and fury, and a breakout game.


Breakout Build 21 MB
Mar 30, 2023

Get Project T

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