Journal Entry 1

Date: 02.03.2023


- Started working on the One Page Design Document on Microsoft Paint at 15:00. Worked for 90 minutes.

- Took a break at 16:40.

- At 17:30, continued to work on the document.

- Finished at 19:30.

- Writing this journal entry.


Microsoft Paint used to be better in the earlier Windows versions. This newer version on Windows 10 has a lot of annoying things. For example, choosing a colour doesn't always register, so I had to keep spamming to pick the colour that I wanted. It's also difficult to add and resize shapes, because this new Paint has these annoying editing options which appear after putting the shape. I had to keep clicking somewhere else to make it go away. Also, my index finger is literally hurting and itching due to the amount of clicking I had to do to draw this document.

Invested Hours:

- 3 hours, 30 minutes on making the document

- 5-10 minutes on the journal.

OutcomeDesign document with an integer page count strictly greater than zero, and strictly smaller than two.

EDIT: Finished a sentence which was cut off in the middle.


One Page Design Document.png 174 kB
Mar 02, 2023

Get Project A


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Good job :) I like the two diverging paths.

You might want to consider how this will work in practice though, as that is quite a big number of enemies and it will probably lag the game if they are all active at the same time.

For the ODD itself - what do the arrows mean? Its good to show the player's intended path. Maybe putting a low opacity line that marks the intended path (and the diverging path) and making note where you need (this jump is hard, etc).

What is the player's health? What range do the spitters have? What health, how much damage do they deal? Can they spit through walls? All this is part of the design.

Watch out for double explanation (Like the pass through platforms, which are explained three times).